Get involved

West Papuan man and woman


Donations are essential for our work, and you can donate in a number of different ways:


You can also campaign on behalf of Papua Partners, whether via our Walk with West Papua campaign, or something different. Visit our JustGiving page to find out more:


We are working to raise awareness about the conflict in West Papua, on behalf of - and in response to requests from - our partners in the region, for whom it has become too dangerous to do so. You can help in a number of different ways:

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“The Papuan conflict is being covered up by the Indonesian Government. We really need international solidarity to help our situation, as well as support from all parties - individuals, NGOs and Governments”.
West Papuan children walking through a field


Why not check out our resources page, learn more about the situation and speak out amongst your friends and colleagues?

Write to your MP representative

If you are based in the UK, you can write to your MP to express your concerns about the conflict and ask them to help raise awareness in Parliament. You can do this by email, or by sending a letter by post to:

[YOUR MPs TITLE AND FULL NAME] House of Commons, London, SW1A 0AA

You can download a sample letter below and track down your local MP here - all you have to do is enter your postcode and will display a list of your local elected representatives.

Pro Tip - don’t forget to tailor your letter to your MP’s interests! You can search their name on to find out more about their contributions to Parliamentary debates and questions, as well as their record on recent votes. You can also search for your MPs name on the UK Parliament website to find out about their current and previous positions.

If you are based outside of the UK, you can write to your local or national representative, or someone who has responsibility for a relevant portfolio (human rights, environment, trade) and ask them to intervene as well. You can use the letter template below, but please make sure to emphasise the relevance to your representative or country if you do so.

Share online

We are working to build a campaign that can help raise awareness about the ongoing human rights abuses and environmental destruction in West Papua, and to unite concerned citizens in the West behind our calls to persuade the UK Government to intervene. We are creating a series of assets to be shared across social media to support us in these efforts, so make sure to check back in soon!

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Please sign up to our newsletter below for all the latest news and views from our partners in the region.